Cloverleaf Programs & Services

Explore our programs and services, and
discover how Cloverleaf can help you find your
path to thriving.


Equine-Assisted Services

Create strong minds, bodies and bonds through our equine-assisted programs.

Therapeutic Riding & Horsemanship

Therapeutic riding and horsemanship teaches individuals how to ride and care for horses.

  • Challenging and stimulating activities
  • Increased balance, strength and coordination
  • Promotes confidence and fun

Physical Therapy

Our physical therapy offerings combine clinical goals, evidence-based practice, equine movement and the farm environment for a comprehensive experience.

  • Engage sensory and cognitive systems
  • Increase complex motor learning via equine movement
  • Promote functional outcomes under the direction of a therapist

Mental Health & Wellness

Our mental health and wellness program integrates conventional therapy approaches, mindfulness practices, and relationship-focused interactions with horses to foster resilience and wellbeing.
  • Deepened understanding of thought, feeling, and behavior patterns
  • Enhanced mind-body regulation skills and coping strategies
  • Strengthened communication, compassion, and connection

Equine-Assisted Learning

Equine-assisted learning offers equine activities with personal growth goals.

  • Build life skills such as communication, leadership and teamwork
  • Customized curriculum
  • Promote personal growth through social emotional learning

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Recovering military service personnel

Cloverleaf offers exclusive sessions for recovering military personnel. Lessons are a combination of therapeutic riding and equine-assisted learning.

Community Offerings

Hope and health through our amazing horses await.


Endless community support sticker

Programs and Services-Lessons

Community Lessons

Cloverleaf offers a select number of horsemanship and riding lessons for those without disabilities while spreading the value of horses to others in the community.

Registrations are first-come, first-served.

Programs and Services-Partnerships

Community Partnerships

Since 2009, Cloverleaf has been working in partnership with like-minded organizations via our Community Outreach program.

Cloverleaf is proud to partner with: Second Story, Larmax Homes, Washington School for Girls and Walter Reed Medical Center.

Programs and Services-Camps

Summer Camp

Horse around in the sun! Cloverleaf provides half-day community camps and therapeutic riding camps.

Camp Includes:
  • Riding lessons
  • Educational horsemanship sessions
  • Games, arts and crafts, and more!

Want to learn more about our program offerings and community services?